All online videos surrounding Torah seemingly are the same. If a few words on the parshah, a few nice stories, & a prayer for the coming of Mashiach.
While is nice & important too, of course, watching someone else teach Torah can never replace your own personal Torah learning journey.
That entails receiving the aleph bet symbols
& then ideally copying from manuscript for yourself receiving it symbol by symbol as every prophet & sage
have done & still do throughout time.
Or buy a very precise manuscript/book to scan/read.
Here @ Ahava=Echad we provide the path - the general structure order of information, & we provide the guides - the 49 symbols of the aleph beth both Ashurith & Ivri scripts, to know what each one means, depicts, demonstrates etc.
& how to use it throughout your learning & all of life. Helping you walk your path in Torah.
While not everyone wants to become a sage leader master - a knower of Scripture Targum MEaning of Scripture Mishnah Miderush & knower of the entire Talmud - as is taught- "1 out of every 10 people can learn Scripture (made of the 24 books of TaNaKh TorahNeviimKetuvim Torah Prophets Prophetic Writings)
1 out of every 100 can learn Mishnah
1 out of every 1000 can learn Talmud "
& if that is what was said of the Tannaic generations then, today maybe it would be 1 in a billion can master Talmud. (The Talmud is being attacked as it always was yet again seperate article. Nothing of the evil lie attacks that will backfire into their faces.)
Everyone is destined to know HaShem on the most basic levels-
through the universally recognizable & understandible logical symbols
of HaShem called the Aleph beth symbols of God
as given on Sinai.
27 Ashurith symbols
22 Ivri symbols
49 Gates into all wisdom & understanding.
Everyone is destined to know The Torah that then calls to them & interests them to begin there to continue & advance wherever it will lead. Once in Torah you are home in the safest best place in the universe.
The World hurts but The Torah heals & guides to avert painful through life lessons by bringing all the lessons into one book. that book is explained in full detail in the living transmission from Sinai.
Just like you would not want someone else to watch a movie for you or experience something for you so too in Torah & even so much more so.
first each must learn the aleph bet signs symbols pictures numbers sounds stories powers functions that with them was the entire Torah given, & Universe created & all reality comunicated in,
then copy symbol by symbol - Torah Tanakh Targum Mishnah Talmud
endless content infinite improvement building upon your work
you begin a process that protects you heals you stimulates you enlightens you changes you for the better .