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Aleph: The Symbol Of Unity

Writer: Andrew HershkowitzAndrew Hershkowitz

Unity is a hot topic these days. Whether it’s at sporting events, on social media, or in the streets, messages of an aspiration for equality and fairness are being broadcast loudly. Unfortunately what we are seeing today doesn’t reflect that uniting vision as every day there is another news story that deepens the seemingly irreconcilable divide. Why is that? What can we look to as a symbol to learn from that would bridge the gap and finally bring the much desired equality and unity to every individual, and by extension help bring in a new and better world?

Aleph א, is the first symbol of the Hebrew Aleph Bet, and it symbolizes Unity and Oneness. The word “Aleph” means to communicate specifically face-to-face and that definition is depicted in the symbol itself. Aleph is comprised of two Ot1 Yoods (י)2 functioning as seats across from one another connected by an Ot Vav (ו)3 functioning as a table. One Yood is a little bigger than the other, in part signifying that they aren’t completely the same and that they aren’t exactly on the same side. However, since they are connected, they are actually two parts of a singular whole. They work together to find the perfect balance and compromise to unite, find truth and become One. This is the source of the Swastika (before it was corrupted) and the Yin-Yang which depict two opposite forces working together in tandem to achieve Oneness and Perfect Unity.

Think of your favorite podcast such as The Joe Rogan Experience as an example. The best episodes are usually the ones where there isn’t complete agreement on the subject matter being discussed. However, what the two parties do agree on is their desire to have an entertainingly civil, respectful, and dignified conversation in pursuit of the singular goal of understanding One another and finding Truth. Unfortunately that is rare in the social media era. Raw face-to-face communication has been diminished in favor of communicating artificially through platforms where “dunking” on your ideological opponent is what is rewarded and not productive discourse in pursuit of Oneness and Unity.

To achieve Unity, we must first start from a place of focusing on what we do agree on. The vast majority of people agree that every single person should be treated with dignity and respect, regardless of any of their innate characteristics, because every single human life matters, and we were all created with an equal value of One. Once that is understood, then we can discuss how we can work together to get to that singular uniting place. Partially thanks to social media, communication these days skips the foundational step of treating your ideological opponent with respect. It is all too common to see friendships lost over policy disagreements where one side calls the other side evil or stupid rather than granting them the grace of just having a different opinion on how to best achieve the same virtuous goal. That must change.

By experiencing the building blocks of communication, The Hebrew Aleph Bet, beginning with Aleph (א), through Mem (מ), to Tav (ת), we can God willing start to usher in the dawn of a new age of Peace, Love, and Unity.

More on The Aleph Bet:


  1. “Ot” is translated as sign. In this context it is used as “symbol.” As in a symbol of the Aleph Bet.

  2. Yood (י) symbolizes potential as seen in its seed-like form among other lessons.

  3. Vav (ו) symbolizes connection as ו is a bridge/hook and is utilized in the Hebrew language as the conjunction “and” to connect words.



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