to every ivri othersider-
to those who stand on the otherside of the "nwo" the real owo;
to those already equipped with The Truth of God & Good
now need to equip themselves with the 22 symbols of God,
in all their forms, with all their meanings,
with all the direct evidence & proof
of The Most
Alien Brilliant Creatively Designed
Freeing GreatestGoodness
that will help us make sense of everything we are seeing & hearing,
internally externally personally globally etc.
reveal the mission, the purpose, the solution...
the Guide like a Torch in darkness.
the first step to Torah is receiving the Aleph Bet symbols the entire Torah is given in- notice not little man made scribbly plagiarized letters- but God's Divine symbols in 3d shapes that can not be written with a ball point pen - that must be copied perfectly to be considered a valid scroll- copied as from Sinai.
the symbols did not change just like pillars never changed since built. everyone knows the simple straight structure of the pillar so too the וו pillar in hebrew looking like a column of pillars never changed. each symbol depicts exactly what it does & did since ever (EVER son of Noah).
The unity that will stem from this is the unity pre babel. finally all on the same page literally on the same wavelength seeing the same thing, hearing the same wisdom & then ready to take it all to the next level.
Aquiring the symbols now enables us to enter into the 24 books of TaNaKh - ideally copying for yourself, making your own TaNaKh designing it enhancing it, symbol by symbol. (beginning a process that may take lifetimes, that God desires, that fills one with wisdom & protection from all external forces & "extends one's days & years" bavli berakhot 8a/b)
preparing it for the connection with the Targum -
the meaning of the words.
the "helper, against him" to the text-
That will walk each of us through the cryptic TaNaKh that gets more cryptic the deeper we go. & also "extends one's days & years" bavli berakhot 8a/b)
There are no synonyms in biblical hebrew
just like no 2 symbols are the same-
no 2 people are the same-
each unique an entire universe itself.
The targum is the helper when explaining cryptic words of TaNaKh - and against him when challenging the word - using another possible word that exists as if highlighting so much more pay attention this is the word chosen in Torah and not this other word that exists highlighted in the targum- the meaning of the words explicitly.
restoring the real order of the 24 books of TaNaKh that parallel 24 hours of the day.
restoring the real chapter breaks of TaNaKh called sidrei hatorah organizations of Torah
that change the entire experience & memorization ability & understand-ability of the verses.
numbering according to this Mesorah - full transmission from Sinai- aligns the verses in groups of 22 - that each verse has exactly to do with the corresponding symbol of the aleph beth - verse 1 has to do with symbol 1 = Aleph
verse 2 has to do with symbol 2 = Beth
then it loops even though the numbers continue -
verse 22 has to do with the last symbol Tav ת
then verse 23 loops back to Aleph
24 = Beth.
you will see verses align that will make you exhale in disbelief
at the precision of everything.