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Re:Talmud | Responses To Talmud Memes Ep 2. "Quote" 2/20:

Writer's picture: A H A V A = E C H A DA H A V A = E C H A D

All reading, please see to convert to Truth = The Two Torahs as given on Sinai - Spoken & Scribed after each post exposing such vile corruption.

This sinister evil is not a quote from Talmud, Not from Mishnah Not From Targum etc. Not from any source but evil fabrication. It is an entirely fabricated source, as if we would say "Be good dude" from the book of The Dude chapter 5, verse 56. Although that fabricated source carries a good message, this one is a most sinister evil, vile, evil. The lost jew who made this "quote" or fabrication did so cleverly - using existent biblical words to make it seem legitimate - such as using the name - Gad גד - a biblical name (source of God/Good in english), the son of Jacob, & using the term Shas ש.ס. , the acronym of Shishah = Six, Sedarim- שישה סדרים = Six Orders, referring to the 6 Orders Of Sharpened Teachings - called Mishnah = Sharpened Teachings - that were Codified by Rabbi Yehudah HaNasi - The Prince from the line of King David. Combine these 2 unrelated words together, & it creates a very convincing biblical Torah sounding name; Those who only know the bible will recognize Gad son of Jacob, those who know Mishnah Talmud recognize Gad & Shas, but be confused for as we know there is no book as this, & repulsed for there is nothing with a vile message such as this, in the entire Sinai Transmission.

So not just a lie, but the most vile evil lie, & the "translators" or here fabricators- have a hell heading their way & boomerang of karma, that is literally unimaginable. - "Book of Karma 1, 01. " also people are reffered to as people - not as "non jews". gentille is a greek word. in hebrew there is nokhri - foreigner - no negative connotations. The Torah does not speak disparagingly about others. It does critique all peoples actions.

_________ Now let us counter this attack & use it go on offence on such evil. Any God fearer is commanded to give up their life to not violate 3 things - if threatened by the sword to be killed:

They are, in order of severity, idolatry, adultery, murder. all usually linked one leads to the other. The biblical meaning of Hamas חמס , coincidentally. They are the very things that jesus or really paul 150 years later claims that jesus claims that about God himself. painting god as a lone male bearded figure in the sky or on earth = IDOLATRY. who impregnated a married women = ADULTERY who murdered his own son = HEINOUS MURDER CHILD SACRIFICE. Seeing this for the first time is shocking. All the good of the xian bible is not sourced in the xian bible but in The Two Torahs as given on Sinai. This is a child sacrifice cult that spread for fear of the sword or the threat of hell no one can prove or not so might as well believe...might as well believe the slander that God violated these 3 worst sins. There will be a full article detailing jesus coming up of course in the talmud response articles, but he thought he was being rejected by his teacher & being so hurt lost his way & seeked to exact revenge against who he thought hurt him. One of the worst miscommunications in history. stay tuned for this source & future articles. Spread the word of good as defined by God & be rewarded with good. Thank you.

Further more a fake "wisdom" spreading "shiksas are for practice" is an entire ugly worded evil lie & Rabbi Eliezer the great - convert to Israel, received tradition & transmits that these relationships will be tied to him in the next world- like leash ties a dog to its owner, here being the owner is the victim the women being used - & the dog is the sinner for full clarity. as harming another human locks your entire fate in their hands/control in the coming world, only their forgivness can undo the decree.- Also Rabbi Eliezer the great convert. No one can violate any human or animal. Stop all human abuse in all its forms, & animal genital mutilation & evil experimentation. God save the beagle pups, & monkey mice rats etc in concentration camps. Biblical prohibition against animal cruelty.

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