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Re:Talmud | Responses To Talmud Memes Ep 1. "Quote" 1/20:

Writer's picture: A H A V A = E C H A DA H A V A = E C H A D

Updated: Feb 14

–––––-Masekhet Sophrim -–––––

The "Masking" Container Of The Topics Of Scribing (note1). Technically not the Talmud, but the Spoken Torah (note1).

Masekheth Sophrim "Tractate of Scribes" 15- This sinisterly wrong "quote"- is entirely a lie, & all reading should see to convert to Truth = The Torahs as given on Sinai - after each post, exposing such corruption.

The Actual text is one line from this block of text scanned from right to left- the bolded words-

אבא גוריון אומר איש צדיון משום אבא גוריון לא ילמד את בנו חמר ספן קדר רועה וחנוני לפי שאומנותם לסטות רבי יהודה אומר משמו החמרין רובן רשעים והספנים רובן חסידים טוב שברופאים לגיהנם והכשר שבטבחים שותפו של עמלק רובן של ממזרין פקחין רובן של עבדים נאים רובן של בני אבות ביישנים רובן של בנים דומין לאחי האם תני ר"ש בן יוחי: הטוב שבעובדי כוכבים בשעת מלחמה הרוג הטוב שבנחשים רצוץ את מוחו הכשירה שבנשים בעלת כשפים אשרי מי שהוא עושה רצונו של המקום:

Transliteration- Tanei Rabbi Shimon Ben Yohai - HaTov Shebeovdei Kokhavim Beh'sha'ath Milhamah Harog. Translation:

Sharpened/Repeated did Rabbi Shimon Son-of Yohai- in a time of war - the best star worshippers - kill.


Response #1 - if the meaning is at all physical literal - then the word OH'KUM עכו"ם / ע.כ.ו.ם. is used - Acronym of OHV'DEI KOKHAVIM UMAZALOTH עובדי כוכבים ומזלות Worshipers Of Stars, Constelations- / Star Worshipers who sacrifice kids & people to their gods (note2) Not Goyim/Joyim = Distinguished Nations.

This sinister "quote" also added the word "EVEN" & "ALL" the best of them! - implying - kill everyone & even them! Spare no goyim! The audacity & level of hell this translator faces is astronomical.

This sinister playing with words is the difference between life & death. as Shelomoh King Solomon said "Life & Death are in the hands of the tongue". Everything is lost in translation- See Goy Definition article in depth. (note 3 no death penalties without court.)

Response 2. This is may be literal but in a spiritual way. In the information war of Torah - "kill" the best startworshippers - convert them by piercing their hearsts with Torah whose words are hard like iron, that can penetrate hearts of flesh & blood.

(death can be metaphoric / can literally mean 10 different things in Torah. Definied throguhout Talmud. The war of Torah - "casualties" to starworshipping cults = converts to Truth - see onkelous story. (note 4) ———

1 This spoken Torah PRECEEDED the written Torah, for before Mosheh Moses could scribe a single symbol of Biblical Hebrew- God Told him how to prepare the parchment - how to prepare the ink - how to make them, how to etch the lines into the hyde ETC. all before Moshe could scribe the first symbol of The Torah The Big Symbol Beth- The second symbol of the 22 Aleph Beth.

2 footnote- Rabbi Aqiva said i saw one star worshipper tie up his parents & sacrifice them to his fears. כי גם את בניהם ואת בנותיהם, אין לי אלא בניהם ובנותיהם אבותם ואמותם מנין תלמוד לומר בניהם גם בניהם בנותיהם גם בנותיהם אמר רבי עקיבה אני ראיתי גוי אחד שכפתו לאביו והניחו לפני כלבו ואכלו סליקפיסקא

3 Any death penalty - is ONLY by court, judicial system, at least 2 witnesses, tested for autheticity. Before Just Judges - Never simply willy nilly open book, says to kill such a person, ok!. Such evil rampant in the world is what we see today. We all need the Aleph Beth symbols to begin to guide us all back home to our Father & Mother The Infinite One who gave the torah on sinai in the likeness of the infinite one, masculine sight script, audio explanation expantion building- sound.

4 This entire teaching can be literal but in an information spiritual sense - the best good people that are trapped in sun star worship - "kill them" = convert them to good- in this information battle - kill their evil ideologies, & they will become different people. לכו לחמו בלחמי Lekhu Lahamu Belahmi - Go Wage War in my War - says God - The War of The Torah. Onkelous converted 3 roman batallions sent after him bavli avoda zara 11a - he converted them all. To the ceaser who sent 3 roman batallions, he "lost" these men. They are numbered as casualties of war.

Outsiders can not know the inner code words of the sages without initiation from Sinai. Recieve The Aleph Bet symbols & their meanings & then begin the journey of lifetimes.

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