As our sages teach us- we always have to ask ourselves "why are these specific things, specifically happening now- in our time - known as "iqveta demeshihha" עקבתא דמשיחא – the end of time as we know it - referred to as the legs of time - like legs are the end of the body - the end of time is called the heels of/that are unto / the messiah. What is it coming to teach us?- asked by RJDB Rabbi Joel David Bakst.
Why is gender at the forefront of conversation at this time known as 2000 years of mashiach the anointed one. As taught in the academy of Eliyahu HaNavi (Elijah The Prophet) (6000 years the world will continue 2000 years of Tohu confoundment/stupefaction 2000 years of Torah 2000 Years of Mashiah) were now in the year 5785 since The Adam (Adam&Eve as One) were 1785 years into The Messianic Era.
The answer by is
that it is to draw to our attention the lost concept of Gender that is entirely neutered in translation into English, & therefore lost in thought to billions of english speaking people in the world, & it needs to be restored to our attention - as it will naturally be understood- when we all re-experience humanity's mother Tongue - God's Language Of Creation - Biblical Hebrew/& special flipped warped hidden hebrew called Aramaic;
when we learn Torah scientifically we will rediscover
that the entire Torah is gendered Male & Female or Female & Male - if we are to follow the order of The Revelation of Torah here in this world as on Sinai - As the phrase goes "Ladies First" In this world - She -The Spoken Torah - Feminine Sound Listening/Explaining (Imma/Mother)- She was guiding Mosheh (Moses) to prepare the parchment lines quill ink to only then begin to scribe The Scribed Copied Torah Visual Masculine Sight (Abba/Father) .
שמע בני מוסר אביך // ואל תטוש תורת אמך
פירוש הגרא בשם חזל
שמע בני מוסר אביך זה התורה שבכתב / ואל תטוש תורת אמך היא התורה שבעל פה
& this is so critical, because God is ONE
and ONE is the unity of Male & Female
That only as ONE create life - והיו לבשר אחד –
& this "fractal pattern" repeats itself -RJDB.
God is ONE = Mother & Father as One.
created the Torahs as our Father & Mother guides. mirroring
Our Infinite Perfect Parents that are ONE.
2 Torahs & their creative unity.
Masculine & Feminine. Male & Female
Our Brains Right hemisphere male
left hemisphere female
brain-stem their unity
the Torah Scripture
Mishnah Sharpeners
Talmud Active Learning Connection.
From The Second Verse Of The Torah והארץ היתה -
& The Earth - SHE WAS void etc.. (The Verb preserves the fact she is a she gendered as such conjugated vv'Hayta & not vv'haya for a man "& he was")
teaching all that earth has to do with the feminine & the clean parallel adults have to explain to kids how kids are made
how are trees and plants planted?
planted in the fertile soil etc.
English neutered the entire Language of English at a point in time - & this is directly contributing to the confusion in English as to what things and concepts are masculine & what things and concepts are feminine.
& only placed gender where it does not really belong like "He is god!" He seems to exclude She?. Cause God is ONE. So the real way would infact be "HeShe/Shehe" heshem hashem
& God is infact in TaNaKh referred to either in masculine or feminine or both at different times in Torah- highlighting this very aspect of male & female etc. Lost in translation.
God is hidden in the details.
See Also connected- story of Yosseph Dina - Masculine soul in a feminine body Feminine Soul in a masculine body full article coming soon.
leaving Torah Hebrew is entire step down
cause the hebrew symbols themselves
are what all are searching for to experience
universal signs of things we all know finally organized
into sensical groupings of information
Our Books offer color coding to help highlight this concept all throughout Torah.